Thursday, August 18, 2011


I apologize greatly for taking so long to draw this for you! I hope you enjoy this picture~


So darling~<3
I hope you like this, Cookie`! Sorry it took so long!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Let Go, Idiot!"

Chief can be pretty spicy when she wants to be...I only wanted to try it for myself T.T

Friday, August 12, 2011

Collab With Moogle!

I'm so happy with how it finished 8D
Though I wish she had put me in my other outfit...XD
But it's okay, because it's fantastic :D

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Daughter, EpicLionRoars

That's my narration on the left.
Not only does she need to stop sleeping in school, but she needs to get some friends that won't draw on her face while she's sleeping!
lol Hope you like it, darling :3 It's kinda lame...I was so tired when I drew this XD

Ryuu Tsuki's Cyber Knight Drawing

I apologize, Ryuu! It turned out kinda girly D: I'll try harder next time!

Dustyfinger's Drawing

Cosplaying as Dustfinger, I take it? :D
Hope you like!

For Madam NightShade

Yaoi? Not doing that again D:<
Only did this because Madam is a frequent customer of mine :P

S m i l e's Drawing

Just...too cute! Hope you like, S m i l e <3!

Piggle Fart's Birthday

Her birthday was a little earlier this week, so I drew this as a gift!
Sorry it's so late, Piggle! D: